Rhode Island Energy Aggregration Program |
What is REAP?
The Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns administers the RI Energy Aggregation Program (REAP), which has served as the electricity aggregator to many League members for more than twenty years. The program has used the collective purchasing power of Rhode Island cities and towns to negotiate lower electricity rates and provide budget stability. REAP also provides other advisory services, including energy market analysis, green power procurement, energy efficiency options and solar projects. The League has a joint REAP service agreement with Constellation New Energy, one of the leading energy suppliers in the nation, and PowerOptions, a nonprofit consortium that provides energy purchasing, advisory and support services to New England nonprofit and public sector members. Learn more about the History of REAP, or click below to see how REAP can help you manage your energy budget. You can also learn more about energy management with these great resources from our partner, Constellation.
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